As social media has grown in an ever-growing digital world, the rise of mistrust. On the internet has beaten that growth. It is becoming harder to trust. What you are being told and who is telling you that. And as the human race continues to push. The growth of technology, there is one rising technological advancement. That could be a bigger cause for mistrust. Artificial intelligence.
Ai has become more and more popular over the past several years. Therefore, But many people and organizations are concerned with how it is being used. And the further potential for misuse of the technology. This is why earlier this. Month, the european union gathered together to compile and release. A set of ai guidelines to hopefully implement ethics into the framework of ever-growing. Algorithms that are taking over the digital world.
The eu has been working to put trust back into the end users’ heart with
The announcement of the gdpr nearly a year ago. Now they are back, but this time it, not a law the eu is publishing, but more of a general set of seven guidelines they will work have to have adapted over time. The seven guidelines are as follows:
Human agency and oversight. Therefore, users should not be manipulated by. Therefore, ai and humans should have the ability to step in and telemarketing list override any and every decision made by the program.
Technical robustness and safety: ai should be reliable, having measures taken to make sure it is secure and accurate without being easily compromised.
Privacy and data governance: personal data collected through the use of ai algorithms and programs should be secure and private.
Transparency: ai systems should have their data and algorithms easily accessible and any decision made by the program should be easily explained by the operators.
Ai should have the ability to be audited and have protection
Therefore, against any corporate whistleblowers. Negative impacts made aware and reported in advance.
As you read through these guidelines, you will notice that some of them are a touch abstract and leave room for interpretation. Since they are not legally binding, these guidelines use terminology that suggests there is no legal ramification for not implementing them into existing and future ai programs.
Therefore, What does all of this mean? Considering europe is trying to be the leader in digital ethics, these guidelines could be the IG Users framework for. Therefore, the future legislation. Therefore, drafted by the eu itself. With users becoming more and more aware of the misuse of information on the internet, these guidelines are set to inject some transparency and trustworthiness back into the end user. But there is a problem some experts are concerned with.
The majority of ai technological advancement has taken place not in europe, but rather in china and the united states. To be a leader in ethical ai you first have to lead in ai itself.