It will then come back to your site again. Perhaps even in the long term, reading your blog will become a reflex. However, to offer personalized content to each lead, you must have a detailed knowledge of your contacts. Lead nurturing also goes in this direction. The more a prospect consults and downloads content on your blog, the more you have a fine vision of his needs. You can then send them content adapted to their level of maturity and their interests, via marketing automation. Finally, thanks to this detailed knowledge of your prospects, you provide important information to your sales teams and thus facilitate.

These needs perfectly to address relevant content

Their work of qualifying contacts .  Define your objectives: do you want to “wake up” a lead who shows few signs of  Georgia Phone Number List engagement? Are you looking to further qualify your leads? Your performance indicators for your campaign will be different depending on the defined objective. Stay focused on your personas: each persona has its own issues that require different answers. You must know these needs perfectly to address relevant content. Create scenarios: have you determined your objectives, personas and content adapted to each of them? You can now build scenarios. A lead downloaded my whitepaper.

To do is read the book by Stéphane

Phone Number List

I send him a checklist grouping the main points covered in it. The possibilities are many, especially if you have a marketing IG Users automation platform. And to go further… Beyond lead nurturing , what will I learn in the book “the inbound marketing toolbox”? Self-diagnosis, definitions, interviews with professionals, business cases etc. here is what you will find to get started in inbound marketing and growth hacking or perfect your existing strategy. Now you know more about lead nurturing. But you still have 59 other tools and methods to discover to get your inbound marketing and growth hacking strategy off the ground. To do this, all you have to do is read the book by Stéphane Truphème and Philippe Gastaud.