Emailing Has Not Said the Last Word

Email marketing is in good health. At least that is clear from the latest figures published by. DoubleClick and which Emailing Has refer to the second quarter of the year. According to the consulting firm’s data, obtained by monitoring more than two million emails around the world. Opening and click rates increased by 1% compared to the same period in 2002. It seems, then, that e-mail marketing survives the black tide of Spam. The average opening rate recorded during. 


Emailing Has The best results were in

Relation to the average click rate, 10.7% more executive email list than last year. Despite a 7% drop compared to the first quarter of 2003. It should be noted that the interanual. Variation is more significant to the extent that, for the last two years. The average click rate has suffered from constant sawtooth. Finally, and in relation to distribution. It should be noted that the percentage of emails that actually reached. Their destination was 88.5%. Which translates to a growth of 2.4% compared to last year when it was 86.4%.


Emailing Has This is the best figure recorded marketing

Which demonstrates the attention that. The sector IG Users is devoting to maintaining its files. The response request is the litmus test for each email. With the first emails you have established a bond of trust. That now allows you to send offers. Special agreements that seek a direct response from the client. You have to know how to capture when that moment is. Remember that users expect your emails, but don’t “hug” them. Differentiates general users from those of companies. The former tend to be more tolerant of advertising emails, but not the latter. Who take more care of the entries in their email inboxes. 

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