Why Conversion is More Important than Sales

The question is not whether or not conversion rates are more important than sales, as they exist precisely to improve sales.

Fernando Coimbra Lopes
Jul 12, 2013
OK, the title may seem a little provocative.

Of course, the question is not whether or not conversion rates are more important than sales, since they exist precisely to improve sales .

The point is that you spent your money on a beautiful website, spent some more on Facebook or Adwords ads, and are pushing social media like nobody’s business.

But still, you’re not seeing results – why ?

Conversion rate

The thing is, we tend to lump tactics for sales success into big chunks, and we often forget that the road to success isn’t always a highway.

There are little things that we have to learn to interpret and make work in our favor.

It’s not just that “if you convert Chile Mobile Number List twice as much = you’ll make twice as much profit”. This is because if you do nothing else, your marketing costs won’t increase and most of your fixed costs in the business will increase at a lower rate – this is because a higher conversion rate will allow for a whole host of benefits, namely:

Move into the top 3 PPC spots, which receive 90% of clicks

Increase visitor and lead engagement

Make the business more attractive to partners, affiliates and joint ventures

Allow you to overtake competitors for the space with the highest click-through rate

Phone Number List

Making SEO more efficient with cost return

Bring in more money, which Lebanon Phone Number List can be used to study alternative forms of marketing

Digital Marketing Should Guide Visitors
Visitor engagement is essential for any company/business to be able to achieve considerable growth in its presence in the virtual world and consequently in sales.

The first step in this engagement process is the simple fact that the visitor is interested in filling out a form or purchasing a product. In the virtual presence, we must know how to direct these Leads towards a satisfactory conversion.

In this first phase, where we want the business’s online presence to direct leads in order to generate sales, we need to understand how the purchasing process works, which takes them to the actual conversion phase. Therefore, detailed monitoring is necessary, with the aim of identifying where the leads came from, for example, if their interest was sparked by a campaign on Twitter or another social network.

Furthermore, social media conversion monitoring should include any information that can help your online presence achieve the expected results.

Once you have identified the factors that influence conversion success, it is important that the team responsible for monitoring uses the information to develop strategies that take these results into account.

To better understand the behavior of Leads, it is important for the company to carry out some tests, as not all measures work as expected. This way, it is possible to find ways to improve conversion actions and reach potential consumers before the competition.

Finally, it is necessary to optimize the path to conversion. Ensure that anyone with access to the web can easily purchase products and services.

To learn more about the reasoning behind converting more, download the ebook.

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