Here’s one last goal setting tip to consider as the new year’s resolution excitement wanes, and before you put your head down and get cracking on your best year yet.

I’ve been goal setting of some kind for as long I can remember. Some goals are easier to reach than others, but hitting your mark is usually determined by your action plan, not how detailed and finessed your goal is.

Today, I’m talking about business goals.

Business goals are usually determined by the leadership team, at least the overarching desires are. And, they tend to impact the entire organization even if the follow through is only from a small team. Good or bad, there’s also more accountability with business goals.

Whether you’re setting the goals yourself, or you’re part of the follow through team, defining all components of your goal(s) and creating a plan of action is essential to reaching that benchmark.

It’s easy to fall into some goal setting traps

Maybe the goal is to improve all (or most) of the metrics you track because they’re easy to measure and report on. That sets you up with some competing priorities and usually spins your wheels. Maybe it’s a declaration of increased sales or roi—big how to buy phone numbers in bulk numbers used to indicate the health or success of a business. A large sweeping aspiration like this entirely lacks a clear priority. Are we increasing roi by cutting the education budget and taking away the free coffee, or optimizing our landing pages and testing a new marketing tactic?

Goals get a bad rap for equaling success. That’s usually where those goal setting traps come into play. Instead, goals should lead us to success. In other words, your success is a direct result of taking the necessary actions to meet your predefined goals.

The smart goal formula is a common tool used to define goals

It’s great for creating clarity around what we’re actually striving towards. And, maybe your smart goal is part of a bigger, more elaborate goal. Great! Let’s make IG Users sure we’re intentionally taking actions to fulfill the parameters identified in the smart goal.

(here’s a refresher on smart goals if it’s a little foggy: s-specific, m-measurable, a-attainable, r-realistic, t – timeline).

My guess is you’ve probably had more than your fair share of smart goal setting sessions with super thoughtful and detailed information. If you’re specifically working in marketing, maybe you have something like this in your lineup for 2019:

S – I want our website to generate more leads by bringing more new users to our site with digital advertising.