How to Start a Career in Digital Marketing

Looking to grab a piece of the digital marketing pie? This guide is for you. I don’t have a degree in marketing—only one in psychology. Yet, I’ve been working in digital marketing for the past five years. That’s the beauty of this industry. You don’t need to be certified to work as a digital marketer. There are no gatekeepers. But you’ll need to acquire both digital marketing skills and practical experience. That’s where this guide comes in. I’ll show you how to grow your knowledge, plus walk you through the different stages you might go through in your path to become a professional digital marketer.

Kickstart your career in

Digital marketing in these seven steps: Create your own website Choose one digital marketing channel to focus on Learn more about your chosen digital marketing channel Execute on what you’re learning Familiarize yourself with free digital marketing tools Apply for a job in marketing Furthering your career 1. Create your own website While you may not need any certifications to get a job in digital marketing, it doesn’t mean companies will just hire you for a position right off the bat. You’ll need to first: Build your skills in digital marketing; Demonstrate that you possess those skills.

The best way to do

By building your own website, you’re creating a lab where you can test and learn different marketing strategies. All without worrying about hurting someone else’s site. Not only that, what else can demonstrate your skills better than showing that you’ve actually grown something from scratch? For example, when I first started out in digital marketing, my friends and I created a website about our hobby: breakdancing. I’ll be honest—the website was ugly. But it gave me a chance to practice things like content marketing, email marketing, outreach and more.

The site, though eventually unsuccessful, was pivotal in helping me acquire tons of practical experience. There’s no need to overthink this. The key is to just start and get practicing. Choose a niche you’re interested in and create a site using WordPress. Don’t fret about things like logos or monetization strategy. If you’re not sure how to set up a WordPress website, just do a quick Google search. You’ll find tons of tutorials. There are a lot of digital marketing channels. The book Traction lists 19 of them, including: Search engine optimization (SEO) Content marketing Email marketing Social and display ads Since you’re running your website alone.

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