The National Do Not Call Registry is a program launched by the Federal Trade Commission to give consumers the option to limit the number of unwanted telemarketing calls they receive. Initially, the registry only covered residential landlines, but in  the registry was expanded to include cell phone numbers. As  million numbers have been registered with the National Do Not Call Registry. And telemarketers are required by law to honor the registry.

It does provide some level of protection against

To register your cell phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. You can do so online or by calling . The registration is free, and you can register up to three Anhui Mobile Phone Number List phone numbers at a time. After that, telemarketers have  days to stop calling you, unless you have given them prior consent to do so. It’s important to note that registering with the National Do Not Call Registry does not guarantee that you will stop receiving all telemarketing calls. The registry only covers telemarketing calls from legitimate companies that follow the law. Scammers and fraudsters are not likely to honor the registry. So you may still receive unwanted calls from these types of entities.

In addition to registering with the National

Phone Number List

If you continue to receive telemarketing calls after registering with the National Do Not Call Registry, you can file a complaint with the FTC. The FTC investigates and takes IG Users action against companies that violate the registry. To file a complaint, you can do so online or by calling . In addition to registering with the National Do Not Call Registry. There are other steps you can take to reduce the number of unwanted telemarketing calls you receive on your cell phone. One of the most effective ways is to simply not answer calls from numbers you do not recognize. If the call is important, the caller will leave a message. You can also block individual numbers on your phone or use a call-blocking app.