T seems like facebook ceo, mark zuckerburg always has something cooking. On april 30th, the social media platform hosted its annual conference, f8, with over 5,000 in attendance. Zuckerburg, during his keynote speech, talked about how facebook is working towards a more privacy based social platform.
He stressed the importance of this privacy change and how. It is a fundamental shift in how the company is running and how they. Develop their products. Wall street journal’s david pierce was in attendance. And he shared his thoughts, via twitter, on the use, or overuse, of the word privacy.
During this conference, it was also announced that many of. The platforms under the facebook umbrella will be having. Some significant changes as well.
Besign for the platform that will be simpler faster more immersive
Users will start to notice these changes to the mobile app in the present, while the new desktop site will come in the next few months.
Facebook will also be putting a focus on groups. According to the head of the facebook app, fidji simo, “more than 400 million people on facebook belong to a group that they find meaningful.” because of this, the new and improved groups tab call lists for sale will offer a personalized feed of the groups a user is currently a part of and will offer personalized recommendations of groups that might be of interest. In the spirit of privacy and ease of use, the groups overhaul will also feature new features to support specific communities. For health support groups, users can post a question or share information and not have their name shared with the post. Gaming groups will have a chat feature introduced so users can interact on different topics within the group. Job groups will have a template feature that makes it easier for employers to post their listing and find quality candidates.
Although there were a number of changes announced
The final big one was the change to marketplace. Users will now be able to ship items from the marketplace anywhere in the continental IG Users united states and even pay for those items directly on facebook. No more being tied down to your local area for shopping on facebook!
But I still don’t hear or read too much about privacy…
Facebook was excited to announce that they are completely rebuilding their messenger app from the ground up. This rebuild is planned to make the app faster and simpler for the end user. Not only will this app be faster and simpler but it is boasting some exciting new features.