There are some important differences between UI and UX that need to be considered to fully understand what each of them does. See now 3 of the main ones. As the name itself says, UI has everything to do with the visual interfaces of your site or application. Without a screen, there is no UI. But we can’t say the same about UX. Because, in many cases, the user’s sensation in relation to the browsing experience has nothing to do with a screen. This experience can even become more pleasant if the designer manages to eliminate some stages in the process of using the product, which means fewer screens to interact with.

Differences Between UX Makes Navigation Worthwhile

We already talked a little about that, but it’s worth reinforcing top people data that the role of UI and UX design are essentially different, even though they complement each other. If on the one hand the UI directs the user and what they should do while using the site or application, the role of UX is to make navigation pleasant. The UI makes navigation easy to understand and actions simple to perform, however not even the most pleasant site in the world will leave visitors satisfied if it does not have the information they expect and in the way they want to consume it.

Benefits of Using UI and UX Design Together

You already perceived that both UI and UX have great IG Users value for the success of your digital strategy. So, it is natural that you ask yourself. However, the answer is: both. There is no reason why you should choose just one or think that there is somehow competition between them. As we already talked about, UI and UX complement each other. Separately, each one can bring good results for your company, but only if you use both together will you have the following benefits. Remember that generating value for your audience is never too much. In the end, even if not all visitors are ready to take immediate action, they are likely to return if the UI and UX work is done well.