Site you speak directly with those you want to impact and, thus, not only become known, but create a relationship with your audience, by helping to solve doubts and offering the solution to a problem, through the your knowledge and your product. Your website is the heart of your marketing because not only is it essential to promote your business on Google, but also to highlight your knowledge and gain the trust of your future client. There are several ways to plan your lead capture strategy . However, the one that usually brings more results is the production of content . By doing this consistently, you guarantee your good positioning in search engines, an effective audience and a growing lead generation. So stay tuned for today’s post.

Where we’ll talk about how to start

A digital marketing strategy that works. How to have a digital marketing that gives results? Know who your persona is People search for what interests them. That’s why it’s so important to know India Mobile Number Data who your PERSONA is and what their interests are. Persona is a person that will be defined when starting your strategy, with detailed personal descriptions of your client. Some questions to ask yourself to identify your persona are: What does my persona work with? What types of information does it consume and where? What subjects interest you? If you do not have your persona and target audience well defined, it is very possible that there will be misaligned and unattractive content. Make your purchase journey based on your persona’s challenges Imagine a person who needs your product or solution.

Phone Number Data

Doesn’t know your product and possibly

Doesn’t know they need it. Then think of a customer of yours, satisfied with the purchase of your solution and having success with it. The path between the first person and the second person is called the buyer’s journey . It is estimated that two-thirds of the purchase journey is made without direct customer interaction, that is, relating to your persona EC Lists through a content strategy is a great way to delight them and in the future make them become customers. Who will outline your purchase journey, should identify the challenges your persona is facing, and with that, program relevant content for each stage of the purchase journey. Brainstorm ideas on your content strategy Before starting to produce your content, decide whether it will be published as a bait.