Specialist Course Book in Digital Advertising and Sales Funnels. I couldn’t be happier to announce this to you. After my first book “Digital Marketing Course” has been on Amazon’s top sellers for weeks with more than 5 thousand copies sold, my second “creature” is born. I present to you my second paper book “Specialist Course in Digital Advertising and Sales Funnels”. It is incredible to be able to say that Amazon ran out of copies for a few hours the first day it went on sale. The avalanche of orders caused it to also be positioned in the Top 1 of the best sellers on the platform.
Chapter 1: Enter the profession of online advertising specialist
Enter the profession of online advertising specialist. In the first chapter of the book you will have all the information about this profession that is in high demand in the digital sector to take everything into account when creating your business model as a specialist in digital advertising. You’ll learn: What is an online advertising specialist. Professional opportunities for this professional profile. Tasks and functions you perform on a daily basis.
Chapter 2: How to design an advertising strategy
Chapter 3: How to design an advertising strategy. Once you are clear about what your objectives are. What you are going to promote and where. Therefore, you will finally enter the process of designing your advertising strategy. You will learn to define all these points , one by one: The 6 questions you need to know how to answer before selling anything. Therefore, How to define your buyer persona step by step. Therefore, How to create an attraction hook to convert strangers into potential IG Users customers. Therefore, How to create an irresistible and attractive offer for your potential customers. Therefore, How to create a value ladder and diversify your income streams.