We’re Leaving These Deals Behind & Saying Hello to 2022. Stock Up On End Of Year Deals To Jump Start The New Year & New You! [link]” Source 6. Use SMS as part of an omnichannel strategy Your SMS marketing strategy can benefit from integration with other marketing efforts. If you have a CX or CRM system. connect it to your SMS marketing software to take advantage of existing data and add new insights. The lessons you learn from other customer interactions can guide your text message marketing efforts.

SMS campaigns may surface interesting

Likewise. SMS campaigns may surface interesting data points that point to new opportunities elsewhere. Successful omnichannel marketing means sending the right message via the right mium. Not everyone will sign email list up for SMS. which means you can’t rely on it as a primary mode of reaching people. Given the other constraints we’ve discuss — namely message length and frequency limits — SMS works best when integrat with email. social mia. and other marketing tools. A table showing which situations you should use SMS. email. or both. Email and SMS work best when they’re us strategically — picking the right mium for the right situation. 

This table shows some common

This table shows some common use cases where you might opt for email. SMS. or both. 7. Test. test. test! As is the case with any marketing channel. testing will be key to your success in SMS. As much as we as marketers like to think we know what will perform best. we’re all just guessing. The only way to learn about our audience and what they respond to is by testing. This means IG Users trying out different types of offers. different text lengths. different send times — pretty much any variable you can think of — and seeing how your audience responds. Amplify your marketing with Campaign Monitor SMS Ready to create stronger connections and grow your business?