Learn how to increase CTR with SEO

Click through rate (CTR) is a metric that every company that works with marketing must take into account. The goal is to make it as high as possible and, to do so, different techniques are used . In this article we explain how to increase CTR with SEO, through white hat techniques that will allow you to optimize the positioning of the site in general.

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The importance of increasing the CTR of your pages in the search engine

In this previous article, we expland its the percentage Peru Mobile Number List obtained by dividing the number of clicks a site’s URL receives by the number of impressions.

There are many factors that will influence the number of impressions a result receives on Google. These include the position of the content in the search results or the behavior of users; also the type of keyword that the visitor used to reach the website .

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How to increase CTR with SEO

The key to knowing how to increase CTR with SEO is to understand the relationship between the two concepts. Search engines rate the relevance of a site based on the click through rate. To increase this rate, you have to be well positioned. In other words, one concept feeds the other.

Therefore, if you want to increase the click-through rate per impression, you need to improve your positioning . To do this, there are some actions you can take in a generic way to achieve this.

Take care of the SEO title

At this point we are not referring to the title of the page or article, which is named H1, but to the title tag , the meta title that is established to appear in Google.

One of the most common tricks is to include the keyword for which you want to position that specific content. In addition , it must also be attractive to get the search engine user hooked and click on that result instead of the rest offered.

Improve the URL

Forget about leaving the URL that appears when creating a new content, especially if you work with a CMS like WordPress. This is because to improve positioning, it is important that this URL describes the content of the site in a few words.

To create a good URL, it is essential to leave out temporary elements. Also use few words that describe the content, including the main keyword .

Use Google Data Highlighter

The perfect tool to measure C. It contains the keys to help improve search engine results: structured data .

To take advantage of this feature, you need to work  Lebanon Phone Number List with the old version of Search Console . Then, go to the “search appearance” section and choose the “data highlighter” option. You just have to follow the steps indicated by the tool to configure it.


Appearing in the top positions in search results depends on many factors . That is why, even if you know how to increase CTR with SEO , it is necessary to take more variables into account. At marketinhouse you will find the perfect team of professionals who will help you put your business at the top of the Google page.

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