Lastly, check your Business Profile performance & view Insights (including call analysis *when enabled). Owners and managers may see how often their Google Maps business profile has been seen by going to their Business Profile. You can track how popular your business is with present and potential clients using profile view insights. Only the Business Profile’s owners and managers have access to the profile’s insights. Important: The views from the previous 28 days are displayed on your dashboard. Expect some statistical fluctuations. Go to the Insights page to learn more about your company’s visibility. For more information on Calls, you’ll have to activate it by giving your Company’s phone number.

Update your service availability business hours

Be sure that you have included the most important details about your company. That also means updating it constantly database for any changes so that your customers can quickly learn how to find you, verify what your operating hours are, locate you through Google Maps, contact you directly, and easily leave feedback through Reviews. Keep your NAP (name, address, phone number) information consistent and up-to-date at all times.

Alerts photos and locational attributes


Google continues to enhance features for Google My Business users. Recently, they gave businesses more control over their notification settings. Now you can choose exactly which notifications you would like to receive. Alerts are also available for reviews, photos, insights, and more.

In just the past two weeks they released new insights on photos. The latest feature provides the ability to see how the images you are selecting to represent your business perform when compared to businesses like yours.

Additionally, users can now edit certain factual attributes to include specific details about the offerings at a business IG Users location. For example, you can let potential customers know if your establishment has free Wi-Fi or if you have outdoor seating. Other attributes, which are based on the opinions of users who have visited your business, cannot be updated directly through this tool.