Schul for tuesday 12 december at palazzo mezzanotte. In milan . It will be a day of sharing and training punctuat by insights. Case studies. Thematic panels by italian and international speakers. With a space dicat to networking. Where it will be possible to follow demos. Presentations and get in touch with the sponsors of the event. Mailup marketing conference is promot by mailup with the support of meet the mia guru and osservatori digital innovation. Wobi. Tvn mia group and digital4marketing as mia partners. «mailup marketing conference will be a great day of training. Sharing and updating on the world of digital marketing». Comments stefano branduardi. Marketing director of mailup . «we will involve italian and international brands. Mia partners and industry experts to touch on the key points through which the.

Light on the relationship between brands

One year after mailup (r)evolution. We want to engage in an even broader event. To position ourselves as the center europe email list of gravity in the galaxy of digital marketing. Both from a technological and training point of view.” Among the experts who will participate as keynote speaker there will be jordie van rijn. The first announc guest of a panel of six analysts. Whose names will be reveal as stages leading up to the event. Independent email and automation marketing consultant . As well as founder of emailmonday and email vendor selection . You have collaborat with companies of the caliber of klm. Mitsubishi and unilever . And provide consultancy and training to marketers of all levels and sectors. Van rijn’s speech at the mailup marketing conference will revolve around what. Over the years. Has become his field of prilection: the analysis and priction of future trends.

present and future of strategies pass

To provide companies with the perspective through which to remodulate and optimize strategies . Presenting for the occasion the latest ition of his report ” the future of email marketing “. Van rijn will also focus on the field of data. A strategic area renam tease  IG Users marketing and which defines the set of practices aim at stimulating the interaction with the user and obtain data through constant and engaging contact. Complementary will be the focus on automation. A technology with which – according to leadmd – 27% of companies still declare themselves to be beginners . Stefano branduardi.