5 Answers to: Why Don’t People Buy?

How many times do we convince ourselves in marketing that we are responsible for increasing sales with our fabulous magical campaigns?

Fernando Coimbra Lopes
Jun 13, 2013
why customers don’t buyWe saw in a previous article that there are several reasons why people don’t engage in the purchasing process . But even if you’re not dissatisfied and your conversion rate is good, can’t it be better?

Why Doesn’t the Customer Buy?

The answer, while not simple, is a way of trying to isolate and treat problems that I see very frequently in Portuguese companies. Let’s see:

1. The proposal is weak
How many times have we convinced ourselves in marketing that we are responsible for increasing sales with our fabulous, magical campaigns? The truth is a little different.

Most people are not Lebanon Mobile Number List unreasonable when it comes to spending money out of their own pocket. If there is no self-serving reason for the website visitor to buy from you instead of from some other company, you should expect nothing more than a low conversion rate.

Solution : Look at your competition. What benefits are they offering that you aren’t? What benefits are they mentioning that you’re forgetting to mention? If you were a prospect, who would you buy from? And why? If you’re more expensive, what are you offering more, or better?

If, at the end of this analysis, you find that your offer is weak, you will know why it is weak, and have some idea of ​​how to improve it.

Phone Number List

2. Lack of information

Most businesses make a basic China Phone Number List mistake: they seem determined to say as little as possible on their web pages. Any benefit they forget to mention, any objection they don’t adequately address, is another lost sale.

Solution: Again, looking at your competitors’ websites will give you an idea of ​​what they need to mention. If you receive phone calls or emails from prospects, do they include questions about common issues? If so, you may want to address those issues on your website.

Finally, there are also service surveys that you can use to ask your website visitors when they are leaving. This will give you an idea of ​​what is missing.

3. They don’t believe your claims
People are very cynical about advertising claims. If you make big claims and don’t back them up, you can expect people to doubt you. And if they doubt you, they’re unlikely to buy anything from you. Solution: Remember the old saying, “Don’t be too big for your stomach.” This is the same as saying that claims should never outweigh the evidence. So how can you make the buying experience more informed and credible? Let’s look at a few different ways to do this:

Testimonials – are always more credible than what you can say about yourself.
Demonstrations – if you can’t show the product in action, achieving the promised result, you’re not being very persuasive.
Outside experts – if someone very credible has said what you want to say, leverage that expertise. Scientists, government agencies, industry leaders, respected figures.
Guarantees – the guarantee takes the risk away from the prospect and transfers it to you.
4. The Price Is Not Justified

5. There’s No Reason to Buy Now
Let’s be honest, if we can avoid making a decision, that’s probably what we’ll do.

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