This includes stem cell therapy, cellular (non-stem) therapy, gene therapy, and similar forms of regenerative medicine, platelet-rich plasma, biohacking, do-it-yourself (diy) genetic engineering products, and gene therapy kits. Google updated its health and medicine ad policy last week to say that starting in october 2019 it will disallow such ads.

They had a statement saying, “we have seen a rise in bad actors attempting to take advantage of individuals by offering untested, deceptive treatments. Often times, these treatments can lead to dangerous health outcomes and we feel they have no place on our platforms.

It’s good to see google take a stance against something like this

This month, google will be reorganizing and standardizing publisher content policies.
The means google will be dividing its content telemarketing lists policies into two different categories: google publisher policies and google publisher restrictions.

The advertising giant will use the publisher policies will outline, in detail, the types of content that cannot be monetized, and use the publisher restrictions to specific type of content that do not violate advertising policies but are not necessarily appealing to all advertisers: “publishers will not receive a policy violation for trying to monetize this content, but only some advertisers and advertising products will bid on it.”. This will include such topics as alcohol and tobacco.

This move is part of a trend we are seeing in the digital world

Consumers are wanting more and more transparency and from. Digital advertising and many brands and advertisers are wanting. This from IG Users the advertising platforms themselves.

The previous set of standards and policies were not as clear as many. Advertisers would’ve wanted, thus google wanted to simplify all of this by reworking. And standardizing these policies so that advertisers are able to create. And promote content that will allow. For brand-safe environments in the digital world.

With all of that being said, it is worth noting that google. Is not creating new content polices, just restructuring their existing policies.