Interflora is behind many initiatives that have met with great success, especially on Twitter. What do you think are the most significant? If we have to retain 3 initiatives, there is of course the Announcement of the delivery of flowers without an address (simply with the recipient’s telephone number or email address). This is an innovation very suitable for social networks because it is always more difficult to give your address to a stranger than your email address. So many people have RT this news to ask their communities to offer them flowers.

We have carried out promotional operations

We have many, many people on Twitter who have delivered or received flowers using this new feature. We can also talk Belize Phone Number List about the news of women’s rights day. Every year during this day, Interflora is cited in a “negative” way, even though it has been several years since we have carried out promotional operations during this period. To counter these criticisms, we posted a tweet saying “Check out our selection of bouquets for Women’s Day” along with a link: By clicking on the link.

It is also important for us to communicate

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That it is not Women’s Day but Women’s Rights Day and .That women do not want flowers for this day but equality with men. Many people shared the IG Users tweet without clicking. On the link and were surprised. When they discovered the hidden “true message”. Our objective in communication is not to “sell at all costs”. It is also important for us to communicate to change mentalities as. We also did with our video ” Dear Dads “. Finally, several years ago we launched an operation called “Petits Papas CM” . This is an idea that we launched during an exchange with several brands. On Twitter and that we wanted to develop.