One thing that is very important about promoting diversity is making sure that you are going to be able to do so locally. There are often many local organizations that will allow you to find great people from all backgrounds. One of the best ways to do this is to offer internships at your company and hire from there.
Diversity does not just happen. It does not land on your doorstep with one clever hire. Agency executives have to make a real effort to develop a culture. That welcomes diverse opinions and actively demonstrate that in their. Practices and show it on their masthead. Start by uncovering what might be some of the quiet. Fears or concerns of your diverse applicants and addressing. Them head-on. Danica kombol, everywhere agency.

Promote creative careers at schools

Our industry is significantly behind in minority representation. In order for the creative business to reflect the shifting demographics of our country, we need to be visible and present at colleges and high schools to show them that creative careers are viable. We need to offer intern programs for minorities, as well. – elle morris, snapdragon


Here’s one small change to the hiring process that can make a night-and-day difference. Rather than hoping that the right candidates will telemarketing leads find you, start looking for them. Promote job offers on the places where they will actually see them. There are some niche job boards like diversity working or recruit disability where you can advertise to diverse candidates specifically. – solomon thimothy, oneims


We often see applicants come to us through a referral or inner circle of connections. Oftentimes, our circle is similar in age, ethnicity, race, beliefs, and viewpoints. To expand our recruitment efforts, we need to engage in organizations, schools and communities in which we will find individuals who have the characteristics that we are looking to add, and then be open to their differences. – korena keys,keymedia solutions.

 Attract people from diverse places

As an international boutique branding agency, we look for prospective employees from other countries, some of whom may not be u.S. Citizens. Making the IG Users investment in understanding the work visa process and having a relationship with an immigration attorney allows us to offer employment where other companies overlook qualified candidates. This results in a more diverse and dedicated workforce. – kris flint, citizen best

You may think you have your hiring “type” down. But, if your agency hires similar types of people with similar experiences and skillsets, they solve the same problems the same way. This is very limiting, creating a big risk for your organization. Today’s most effective creative agencies must have diversity in creative product — which is nearly impossible to do without diversity of creative talent.