Research and know their brand, what type of content they cover, and tailor every piece of communication to that specific influencer rather than email blast 100 of them with the same message. Only approach them with content or opportunities that are related or of use to their audience. – kathleen lucente, red fan communications.

If you’re in a big city, they may be traveling there for a speaking event. Buy a ticket to their event to show that you’re supportive of what they’re doing and try to make a face-to-face connection. From there, you can work to build the relationship and schedule a phone meeting. Meeting the person in real life will help you get past their gatekeeper and onto their busy schedule. – bryan citrin, chiropractic advertising.

 Approach them as the expert they are

Engage an influencer as an expert in their field. They may not have a fancy degree or certification on the topic at hand, but they live in a world phone leads that your brand would like to understand and interact within an authentic way, so in that sense, they are the expert. – jonathon nelson, modern promos

10. Set clear expectations

Influencers respond best when the “ask” is very clear, concise and specific. They want to understand what you’re looking for and how they (and their audience) can help those efforts. This includes the exact program details, the timing of live content, the messaging to be included, what, when and how they will be paid, and if there are any metrics they need to provide along the way.

Whether you call them display ads or banner ads

The burning question most marketers have is do they work? According to comscore, the average person is served more than 1,700 banners per month. It’s even more if you fall into the coveted millennial generation (25-34). They get served more than 2,000 banners a month. Which brings us back to the question do display ads work? We say yes. With a little bit of extra love, display campaigns can and do work.

While ctrs have decreased, display ads can IG Users be hyper-targeted to reach your audience so the clicks you do get are more likely to be quality clicks. Here are a few other tips for using display ads effectively.

Start with retargeting
Go after the warm leads. These users have been to your website and left without converting. They are already interested in your product or services so your banner doesn’t have to work as hard. Retargeting to them with an offer or stronger call to action will help you get some banner wins.

Create every size banner. Don’t forget mobile
It’s easy to think that the bigger the banner the better the ctr. That might be true in some cases but you also have to remember that not all websites support all sizes. If you only make one or two sizes, you are limiting the number of places your ad can be served. While it might be easy to forget mobile ads, don’t. More than 50% of web traffic comes from a mobile device.