Well, let’s see. We have option 1 which would be something like “Hey, what’s going on at your house with bread and dough!”… No, it’s not cool. The other option would be something like “Hello again! You missed me?”. Mmm, no, obviously not. And for example this one? “…some time ago I felt a tremendous hope and need that went out, like a candle before a sneeze…” Yuck. So… How the hell do I start the post differently than I always do? For a change, I say. The other way around? Good idea! Ains, thank goodness you are there, sending me your suggestions. Come on:

New Google My Business functionality : Publications

It is said somewhere, I don’t know where else, that the good thing is to always start by adding value. It’s not that I’m going to go on a teleshopping spree, selling you something you’ll never use, but… Well, let ‘s start with Google My Business? Well come on, look at the difference between a token industry email list that takes advantage of that function and one that doesn’t: Example Google My Business Publications Have you noticed the difference? Nooooo! No, not the Buuuuu thing! That escaped me… Oops. I am referring to the featured post block . Isn’t it cool? Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, this new Google My Business feature with which you can include publications and events in your business listing , to capture maximum attention when someone searches in relation to your local business.

Some considerations about Publications in Google My Business

Of course, I was going to end the post with 420 words. Hahaha. Are we crazy or what? Although, I promise, Sansa Stark’s words and let anyone who dares fight against him, I’m going to make the posts shorter. That. But not 400 words. No way. Well, now I’ll tell you some quick curiosities about this topic of publications IG Users on Google for local companies (you know, pure semantics). You can choose between standard posts or events . Standard posts go live from the moment you post and expire after 7 days. Events expire on the end date you specify. Google wants you to show what’s current about your company . You’ve built a new feature and you’ll want it to be used. Those who use it, I say, will be rewarded. Logical? Well, what are you waiting for! You must choose between a few texts for the button : “More information”, “Book”, “Register”, “Buy”, “Get offer”.