SEO membership, which I signed up for Charting the without hesitation. And here I want to make a point… “I want to take advantage of this post to publicly thank the SEO. Warriors community for everything that has helped me. When I had any questions there was always someone who helped you and. I know they continue to do so. I continue and will continue to belong to this membership because in this sector you have. To be in constant training and because a large part of the blame for my being. Able to publish this article is thanks to your entire team.” Continuous… At that time, my profit margin did not allow me to have.

Keep better control Charting the of my clients

SEO tools like Ahrefs or Semrush . But then DinoRANK appeared , a complete SEO top industry data suite for €25 a month. I could afford this and I finally had a tool to be able to keep better control of my clients . I literally fell in love with the tool, especially because it did what I needed to do . I liked the tool so much that I did all kinds of tests and one day it occurred to me to put a “*” (an asterisk, wow) next to the word in the keyword research function, and I see that other types of results appear. I mention it in the SEOWarriors.

Was going to tell me that a simple

Telegram group and they tell me that IG Users they didn’t know about it, that is, I think I got to know more about DinoRANK than even its own creators! As a result of this, Dean contacted me for the first time (it was April 2021) to interview me on the DinoRANK podcast . Who was going to tell me that a simple “*” would give me the possibility of having an interview with Dean? Well this is how it happened: My first really visible public appearance in the SEO community Shortly after, Dean and Gabriel contacted me and offered me the support of DinoRANK , which of course I accepted without thinking twice. They also suggested that I do live shows on YouTube analyzing websites with DinoRANK