The anthropologist strives to understand the “point of view of the other”, whether it’s his neighbor or a foreigner, an immigrant, or whoever is on the other side of the screen… it doesn’t matter. Anthropology gives voice to otherness, in the awareness that the study of the other also allows us to better understand ourselves.
Anthropological knowledge is formed between
two worlds: the experience of the self (ethnographer) and experience of the other (informants), this produces a type of information that is the fruit of this relationship, of their exchange of information and knowledge. The ethnographic encounter is therefore a process in continuous transformationprocess Phone Number List will of the role of the ethnographer and that of his interlocutors/informants. In fact, these too actively condition the production of ethnographic knowledge. It is therefore information that is the result of continuous negotiations.
The anthropologist therefore, through that particular
cultural attitude called “relativism”, which consists in a sort of suspension of judgment, strives to look at the behaviors, attitudes, practices and beliefs of others in terms of the culture that generated them, therefore not of his own, without for this having the pretension of becoming something different from himself. In essence, Anthropology builds bridges necessary for mutual understanding. It does so through qualitative research techniques aimed at understanding the “cultural fact” and not simply oriented towards its identification or cataloguing.
Chiara Carletti has a degree in Cultural Anthropology and has carried out research in Italy and in the United States on issues related to identity politics and migratory phenomena. Onfind more information on her courses. In addition to being a trainer, she is a member of the Board of Directors of theimprove IG Users your Rinascimente Educators Association and of the Ethno-Anthropological Research Center: in its training and laboratory activities it combines the anthropological aspect with the pedagogical one, enhancing the “didactics of doing” and the development of skills, in particular those of active citizenship. He has also followed research and training courses on the topic of gender equal opportunities.