Before creating ads Heidi: “Remember to make sure that the Google Analytics account is link to the Google Ads account and that the conversion points creat in Google Analytics have also been import into the Google Ads account separately. without this you will not be able to monitor the productivity of your advertising. first find out with Google’s keyword tool (Keyword tool). which search terms and how many searches are made with terms relat to your industry.

Do your homework properly

Regarding the keywords us in the targeting.  with europe email list which the searches must match the enter keywords. The options are broad. expression and exact match. as well as modifi broad match. Find out about these before you start doing keyword advertising! Otherwise. most of your budget may sink into useless clicks. More information: Continuous measures Arttu: “Follow the search terms that trigger the ad. When creating an ad group for search keyword advertising. keywords are enter for targeting. However.

You can define the accuracy level

Ds are actually display on a wider range IG Users of searches – how wide depends on the type of targeting appli to the keyword. The search terms that trigger the actual ads can be found in the Search Terms tab of the Keywords view in Google Ads. If you notice mostly irrelevant searches in the list of search terms. then you ne to tighten the targeting of keywords. Regularly research search terms and add irrelevant searches or parts of them as negative keywords.” Heidi: “Don’t leave the account running alone! Go at least once