Digital Marketing is currently the key ally of companies that want to establish or expand their presence on the Internet.

Through practices such as content production, investments in social media, and paid advertising, it is possible not only to attract potential customers but also to direct their journey through the sales funnel.

As you know, you should design the details of your digital strategy according to the characteristics of your company and your target audience.

Number of New Visitors vs Number of Return Visitors

Comparing the number of new visitors with the number of return visitors is a very efficient way to measure the effectiveness of your new content and your website as a whole.

To use this metric, start by Whatsapp Database establishing the evaluation period, which is usually weekly or monthly.

The percentage of return visitors indicates how engaging your content is.

In a situation where there are many new accesses and few returns, for example, you can assume that your strategy is succeeding in attracting interest.

Still, your content is not good enough to convince them to return.

5. Interactions per Visit
Getting traffic is great, but what you really want is for your visitors to interact with your content.

So map the audience’s experience and learn what types of triggers are most effective in stimulating interaction.

Over time, you’ll notice patterns that can optimize your strategy. If visitors, for example, spend more time on pages with visual content, investing more time in this sort of material can be a great benefit to your relationship with your audience.

6. Bounce Rate
The Bounce Rate indicates the number of people who visited your website and left quickly, without opening other pages or performing any kind of action.

A high Bounce Rate is a strong signal that your digital strategy must be optimized. This can happen due to a series of reasons such as you are attracting the wrong audience to your website, you don’t have good CTAs, or the content is not valuable enough to the reader.

In this case, you need to carefully analyze what is causing this rate and map what improvements can be done.


Cost per Visitor (CPV) and Revenue per Visitor

In order to decide whether or not you are on the right track, a valuable tip is to compare both metrics.

If the RPV is higher than the CPV, it seems that your efforts are worthwhile.

The calculation to reach these values is simple. The CPV is calculated by dividing the visitors generated by a campaign by the amount invested to do so.
You can find the RPV by dividing the revenue generated by the campaign by the number of visitors attributed to it.

It is important that you IG Users calculate these metrics for every one of your traffic channels to identify the most relevant ones.