Looking outside the strictly. Logic should always meet. The nest of its interlocutors and not those of the organization chart. At the time in which I write the homepage of the site of the multinational Roche At the time of writing, the homepage of the multinational. Roche website has a hamburger menu at the top left within which the real contents are hidden and some highlight news. Point. Enough. AND EMILI deals with strategic development and consultancy on digital channels. Discover the Digital Marketing services . Think global and forget the local Register office, production plants, sales points, dealers, assistance centers.

From Snow White to digital design

The ecosystem of maim or large companies is usually. Made up of many photo editing servies entities. These entities become extremely relevant on a local level and the evolution of search engines seems to be going precisely in this direction. Underestimate the local search Photo by. Daniel von Append on Unsplashed Underestimating local search Photo by. Daniel von Append on Unsplashed As already indicate. A good practice would be to enrich your websites with structure data , something that happens. Very rarely outside the e commerce world. Much more serious in my opinion is the state of abandonment that very often characterizes.

Over time we learned that it was necessary

The information boxes of the Knowle. Graph and the Google Business IG Users cards . I often see self generate listings that are unclaimed or listings that are claim but in a total state of abandonment with obsolete logos, incomplete or even incorrect information. Clearly it is not easy for a large brand to have full control of its ecosystem. However, I believe that it is essential, for example for a clothing brand. To be sure that its single brand store appears with a complete listing. In a local search e.g. brand  city. Because if that’s not the case you’re missing an opportunity.