Hence the importance of anthropology, or of a knowledge capable of . Going beyond certain Simplifications, to form open and flexible minds. The study of this discipline allows us to grasp the situated. And built character of everything that revolves around man: from what concerns him . Most closely,identity, emotions, ideas, body, to what is instead external to the individual. Such as for example culture, which conditions him, but is in turn also transformed. As the very concept of “agency” teaches us (Donzelli – Fasuolo, 2007). Human beings are endowed with the ability to act, so they do not simply have a culture, but build, produce and transform it.

However, giving a definition of culture

is almost impossible, after more than 525 definitions of culture, some anthropologists, such as Marco Aime, have come to the conclusion that culture is ” what holds us together “.  that of the Victorian scholar Edwar Tylor who in his famous book ” Primitive Culture” in 1871 wrote:

“Culture, or civilization, understood in its broad ethnographictime to Database make sense, is that complex . Whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of a society”.

Culture, like identity should not be



considered as something original, immutable, essential, understood in this way it appears as a “cheat” (Fabietti, 2000). There are no pure cultures, these are incomplete, open to exchange, crossing .  And hybridization, they are mixed, contaminated with each other, they can therefore only be understood from a perspective that adopts a “mestizo logic” (Amselle , 1999). The emphasis should be placed on its dynamism, on the mutability, on the instability of all cultural and identity constructions. Culture is not a state of mind, but a social construction: therefore not only does its force act on social actors, but it can also be acted upon and transformed.

According to anthropology, each social group has characteristics improve IG Users your that distinguish it from the others:

  • Cultural patterns: ever-changing sets of values ​​and social norms . establish how an individual should behave or react to a situation.
  • Values: conditions deemed desirable,  how others judge your actions
  • Norms: prescribe the actions to be performed or avoided within a context. In reality, social norms can.