There is nothing on social networks that is more important than interaction and relationships. Nothing. Along these lines. Fighting and protecting the community’s involvement with the business to maintain and increase it is the great goal of any marketing team . However. There are many organizations that do not understand this basic premise. Which engage in a whirlwind of activities whose sole purpose is to increase the noise. Regardless of the impact they obtain. And that.

Do you ne us to help you with the planning

Clearly. Is not the right idea. Do you ne us to help you with b2b email list the planning and management. Of your business’s social mia strategy. Let’s talk the 3 reasons to fight to improve engagement on social networks we do not like to make categorical statements—like the one we just gave regarding the preponderance of interaction on social networks—without a deep explanation of our arguments. That is why we want. Before presenting ideas to improve engagement. To show the reasons why we believe that interaction is the key factor of an effort on social networks.

Focusing on commitment puts us toward

Below. We share the three reasons to bet on interaction. Focusing on IG Users commitment puts us toward building and strengthening relationships . Having followers involv and attentive to each publication increases reach and guarantees business growth — if you become obsess with engagement. Social mia algorithms will take care of reach and growth… for free! In addition. An involv community has two other advantages: (i) it is an inexhaustible source of information that will allow the improvement of products or services and (ii) it is an open door towards retention and loyalty.