Canonical Tag is a markup inserted in the source code. Learn to of web pages, indicating that it is original content. Search engines read this tag, which acts as a warning. That this is the page the user should be redirected to when performing a search. Ranking a web page well is a constant challenge that many SEO professionals dedicate themselves to daily. While there is an understanding of what makes it easier for search engines to find pages, you also need to know what can get in the way. The canonical tag is an important mechanism that helps correctly index these pages. Google’s algorithm seeks the greatest possible clarity when detecting web pages.

Learn to Why Use the Canonical Tag

One of the big problems that a website can have job function email list when it comes to ranking. Is being in a possible situation of duplicate content . In practice, these are just address variations, but they are found at different URLs. If you’re looking at the page URLs, you’ve certainly noticed these variations, but you’ve also seen that they lead to the same place. However, this can be a problem for search engine algorithms . In the end, for them, the same content in different addresses. Represents the duplication of pages, which leads to penalties and, consequently, the loss of positions on the results pages.

How Does the Canonical Tag Work

In essence, you use the canonical tag in IG Users the same way as a 301 redirect. Where you tell the algorithm to go to another page. However, the canonical tag works only for search engines , allowing you to attract visitors to that page. With the canonical tag you do not allow pages with. URL variations to be indexed, but rather the user to access them. If you use a 301 redirect, you will not allow access to one or the other either. In this way, the canonical tag works as a way to optimize your. SEO without damaging the user experience of your visitors.