Recommend doing a competitor analysis buyer Boost your personas a value proposition and a content plan. With them you can get the basic structure of the marketing strategy already assembled. With the help of the MVG model your company can create an executive level marketing strategy. The lowest level = Market the middle level = Value the highest level = Growth. Next I dive into these seven elements through three main themes Market-Value-Growth. We have also covered each element in its own blog post so you can delve into any

Element in even more detail through

The following links. I. MARKET – Understanding of the current situation of the market and a view of the changes b2b email list taking place in it In the MARKET phase you should increase your understanding of the current situation of your companys marketing and your companys market. After this a vision of the change taking place in the market must be created. Here we answer the questions: What are we doing and who are we targeting with this moments marketing? What kind of results has it brought? What is the competitive situation

In the market Has the competitive

b2b email list

Situation changed or is changing? How crowded is the market? Which target groups do we want to address in the future? What is their level of product awareness? How will the purchasing behavior and purchasing IG Users criteria of the targeted target groups change in the coming years? Which trends guide our industry and in which direction? What kind of technologies could we use in our marketing? 1. Competitor analysis – What are the competitors doing? How should your company be marketed so that you stand out from the