To the customer’s request, the social and environmental impact, the cellular organization, to highlight each cell of the company, the emotion to be put back at the center of the concerns and the management of the data. In particular, it involves restoring the confidence of employees, so that they can in turn find meaning in their work. After storytelling, companies are asked to do “storydoing”. “ We expect brands to be courageous, to get involved ,” says Grégory Pouy. The company’s brand values and culture will be key to effecting this change. By embarking on inbound marketing, the challenge was to respond to commercial prospecting which is expensive and difficult to assess. how do you make customer acquisition less expensive and more scalable? By way of inbound marketing of course! Guest Suite has therefore made significant efforts in SEO but also in writing blog content.
To making room for women
Dipty Chander, developer and president of the E-mma association, Ilham Guggenheim, VP Innovation & Change Management at Change Factory, Guy Mamou Mani, president of the Open group Oman Phone Number List and co-founder of the association Never Without They, Olivier Méril, President of MV Group. With 33% of women in tech, support functions included, companies can hardly open up to digital thinking without their presence. “ We cannot imagine tech without women. Companies must commit to making room for women in tech ,” explains Dipty Chander. Because their presence is a ” wealth for companies , as Olivier Méril points out. For Guy Mamou Mani, this is obvious and a necessity. ” Women must move and take the places that are open to them ,” he says. If artificial intelligence is a very trendy subject at the moment, ” it is essential.
The notion of role models is very important to create
That women discover these professions so as not to suffer. By being actors to help create the world of tomorrow “, adds Dipty. Chander. For Ilham Guggenheim, inclusion IG Users must be part of. The culture of the company and society for the lines to move. The notion of role models is very important. To create vocations among the youngest.This prize was an intense moment.It’s a lot of work for the preparation of the file. Then there was the pitch with great competitors. Clément Poupeau and Loïc Bourgoin, Guest Suite.Winners of the second prize for the best inbound marketing strategy 1st prize – Teralta. CHR Group Damien Beaucheix Teralta. CRH Group Damien Beaucheix.Winner of the 1st prize for the strategy of Teralta Groupe CRH. Alongside Stéphane Truphème, member of the jury and William Saulnier. Account Director at LinkedIn Finally.The big winner of this first edition.