Keep calm and…”, “Ola ke ase”, “Se Tenía que decir y se dijo”… You may not be able to define what a meme is at first glance , but unless you live in a remote cabin with no internet access, you’ve probably used one before. What are memes and where do they come from? And, most importantly, how can we use them to increase the virality of our posts?
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What is a meme
What is a meme?
An internet meme is a concept, idea, situation or feeling that is express through virtual media . Gifs and images with text are two well-known types of meme, but they can also take the form of videos, songs, audios…
A meme is quickly replicat
Through social media, but it also Special Database as it spreads. For example, a meme can consist of an image to which users add their own text.
The concept of a “meme” was first defined in 1976, and the first modern meme is believed to have been the “Dancing Baby” that appeared on the Ally McBeal series in the mid-nineties. But it is only in the last 10 years, with the advent of social media, that this phenomenon has experienced a real explosion.
How to use memes in your digital marketing
The use of memes by brands is known as memejacking .
Given the high virality of this
Type of content, it makes sense for brands to take advantage of it to increase their reach. In addition, it is a type of content that can be created in just a few minutes and at a very low cost.
But memes are a double-edged sword
Using them wrong can be a huge mistake. We tell you the secrets of memejacking:
First, think about the overall tone of your company and whether memes are actually a Female number List resource for it, as they are humorous and informal by definition. A traditional bank or insurance company might not be the most suitable candidates, while a soft drink brand targeting a younger audience might be.
Understand the meme you’re going to use
Memes are simply an image or video with some funny text and that’s it, right? Well, no. Many memes have a long history and come from very specific contexts, which can make them unsuitable for your brand. So before you jump in, do your homework and research “know your meme” sites to be sure of what you’re doing.
Take advantage of the right moment
By definition, memes are ephemeral. Although there are some exceptions that have been with us for years (such as the famous “keep calm…”), it is common for them to have their moment of glory and then quickly go out of fashion.