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 in Mobile Optimization

There is no fold I kn mobile number portability w why you’re here . Neo. I know what you’ve been doing… why you hardly sleep . why you live alone . and why night after night you sit by your computer. You’re looking for the fold. I know because I was once looking for the same thing.


 There are some questions

that just don’t have simple answers. It’s the question that brought you here. You know the question . just as I did: Where is the fold The answer is as difficult to answer as it is to enjoy either of the sequels to the Matrix. But that’s what we’re here for.


 We answer the tough questions 

folks. The answer is: There is no fold. This is your last chance. After this . there is no turning back. You exit this page — the story ends . you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You keep reading — you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.


 What is the fold In the days before the machines took over . folks got their news from something called a newspaper. Perhaps you’ve seen them in old movies. Most newspapers were printed in a format known as broadsheet . which is typically inches high. In order to display newspapers without taking up a ton of room on a newsstand .


 the papers were folded in half. The term was later borrowed by web designers. Now “above the fold” is any part of a website or landing page that you can see without having to scroll. The Matrix: Resolutions There is no fold. Not in the way there used to be. Designers used to argue about whether to design for × or ×.


 The fold was a static dimension . like on a newspaper. mjproof But things have changed. Chris Goward from WiderFunnel sent us a screenshot that demonstrates the variety of screen sizes that visit his website. device-size-fold This is why there is no fold. People access the web on so many different devices with so many different screen sizes now that to design for just one size severely inhibits your ability to create landing page experiences that are both successful and delightful.


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