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The inbound methodology is based on attracting users to our brand, rather than impacting them directly.

Therefore, inbound marketing techniques

Characterized by being less intrusive than more traditional advertising methods.

The first phase of the inbound methodology is based on attracting quality traffic to our website, that is, making people potentially interested in our products and services visit us. But how can we get visitors in a non-invasive way?

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Inbound Marketing Strategies

Inbound marketing techniques: content marketing

As you’ve probably heard plenty of times, “content is king.” And in inbound marketing, this statement is especially true. Content marketing is a highly effective way to attract users to your brand in a non-intrusive way. But for it to work, we need to strictly follow these three principles:

Create quality content

Given the effectiveness of content marketing as an inbound marketing technique, there are already plenty of brands using it… including your competitors. So, if you want to stand out, you’ll need to try to create the best content possible.

Create content that meets the needs of your target audience

In marketing, segmentation is everything. There is little point in creating impeccable content if your audience is not interested. That is why content creation should always start with a thorough study of our buyer persona, that is, the needs and interests of our ideal client.

Promote content

Creating fantastic content is only half the battle, as we still need to get it seen by our target audience. Content marketing promotion strategies include techniques such as public relations, newsletters, events, guest blogging, social media, and email marketing.

With these basics in mind, the next question is what kind of content do we want to create? The truth is that digital content creation offers a ton of possibilities, and new formats will continue to emerge in the future, so you always have to be willing to experiment. But right now, these are the main types of content to attract traffic in inbound marketing.



Blogs are based on the publication of articles on a regular basis, occasionally accompanied by other formats such as infographics and videos.

This format is very interesting because Google values ​​Middle East Mobile Number List content , so giving it “fresh” articles frequently can improve our positioning. In addition, it is a good technique to build a community (in the form of a subscriber base) and make our brand’s values ​​and personality known.

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Little by little, podcasts have become one of the most successful formats , and no less than 40% of Spaniards with internet access listen to podcasts at least once a month. In addition, 65% of listeners have started in the last three years, so this is an activity that is in full expansion.

This boom in podcasts is great news for marketers, as they are an inbound Country Wise Email Marketing data technique that allows them to connect with users in a very personal way. By using voice, podcasts convey closeness, and also allow us to “sneak” into the daily lives of users, for example, while they are going to work or doing housework.



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