It now delivers comprehensive services that allow it to serve its customers on all digital levers. So if you were still wondering if IMF was an event like the others, here are some arguments that will convince you otherwise! If you prefer to listen to this interview in audio version, click here to Usually I describe experiences with companies in the B2B or B2C universe. In particular, the disruption of banking  insurance is natural for us today through new Fintech services. We recently started working with Grenoble Ecole de Management (GEM) and it opened me up to the specific needs of the world of Education.

A symbol of reassurance for the third parties

The commodification of education services, and digital disruption. Choosing your school means choosing, of course, quality Sri Lanka Phone Number List and appropriate training, but it also means joining a network and displaying a symbol of reassurance for the third parties that I will meet. The perceived quality of training and the contribution of its reputation for a student throughout his professional life is not decided in one day around a brochure. It is part of a history, but also in the relational quality implemented upstream and downstream of the training. The recruitment phase of a student exec deserves as much attention.

An integral part of the assets and value

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As their integration, it is up to you to maintain their life as an active alumni. An automated relational marketing strategy allows you to initiate the relationship with content adapted to the situation and IG Users your contacts. It allows you to multiply and synchronize actions with multiple actors at the right time. Finally, it will allow you to streamline all routes for the benefit of your users. The relational chains of Marketing Automation are an integral part of the assets and value the school as much as the students or permanent teachers and prestigious speakers. Become visible and desirable Reforms around the apprenticeship tax and the search for new budgets justify more and more investment.