Which will create a maintenance of motivation to work

The success of such an operation: The 3 steps of telephone prospecting First step: the organization of a real operation To be effective, we need the right tools , and we have to make sure that they are in line with our objective. Who to target? To offer what? With what speech? What resistance will I encounter? So many elements to prepare in advance to give everyone the “turnkey” elements of success. Centrally prepare a file of targets to be contacted , with prior qualification if possible, at least sorting, in order to limit waste during phoning operations, Work on a conquest offer to work on a particular interest in getting a prospect to move.

A prospecting operation must have a start date

Who, a priori, has no particular affect on the brand, Prepare the speech that will be used by the whole team, and train Denmark Phone Number List him to use it, by involving it in the exercise, and by putting it to work to facilitate appropriation and play on motivation. Second step: launch and support the operation A prospecting operation must have a start date and an end date, carried by the offer intended for prospects. It must be accompanied by an incentive , which will create a maintenance of motivation to work regularly on the operation, and to remain mobilized throughout the period.

The role of Managers during the operation

Phone Number List

Carry out collective sessions. So as not to see the positive effect previously created evaporate too quickly. And give yourself the IG Users possibility of supporting. The sales representatives.Who are lagging behind. Carry out regular monitoring of the operation.With communication established in advance in its form and frequency. To support and maintain efforts throughout the operation. Third step: the role of Managers during the operation Do individual coaching with “behind” salespeople , in order to bring the keys to success to everyone and put the role of the Manager at the center of the operation. Integrate it systematically into each moment of meeting with the team.

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