So it’s worth displaying some questions and answers on your services page.
Here are a few ways to do this. The first way is to s Kiribati Email List earch for your service and look at the “People also ask” section of the search results. This shows some relevant questions that users search on google. The second method is to enter the service terms into ahrefs’ keyword analysis and check the problem terms report.
This shows popular questions
including service names. If any of these que transfer number to new phone stions seem like things potential customers would like to know before doing business with you. Consider answering them on your page. How to handle multiple locations if your office or store is in multiple locations. It’s usually not necessary to repeat the entire process above for each location.
You just nee to display these
locations on your website. If you only have a few locations. The easiest solution is to list them on your contact page. This is what your local sandwich shop does google then ranks their homepage for relevant explicit local searches. If you wish. You can create landing pages for each physical location.
This is what this accountant
website does if we plug their site into ahrefs’ website analytics . We can see that google ranks their local landing page explicitly for relevant local searches what about keywords for blog posts? Given that local businesses only cover their local area. You usually don’t nee to write and rank blog posts on google because those posts actually bring you a lot of business.
For example. Let’s say you’re a plumbe
if you search for “Plumber” in ahrefs’ keyword analysis and check issue reports. You will see keywords that your users are likely to search for in large numbers.
Such as how much does a plumber
cost to fit a bathroom (how much does a plumber cost to fit a bathroom) how to find a plumber you can trust (how to find a plumber you can trust) how much does an emergency plumber cost the problem is that these searches rarely have local intent.